Sunday, May 6, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Bear Jarecki!

Name: Bear Blu Jarecki

Date of Birth: May 5, 2011

Parents: Alicia Silverstone & Christopher Jarecki

Siblings: None


  • Baby Bear was born in Los Angeles, Calif.
  • He was delivered via a water birth at a local birthing center
  • Bear weighed 7 lbs & 15 oz at birth
  • His mom penned a best-selling book titled The Kind Diet
  • Alicia - a known vegan and animal rights activist - caused quite a stir when she posted a video of herself feeding Bear by mouth.
  • Alicia and Chris plan to raise their sweet son as vegan


"[Bear has] crazy amounts" of hair and has been a "really calm" baby so far. I didn't leave the house at all for six weeks after his birth. I wanted to soak in every moment of his scrumptiousness - new mama Alicia on her baby boy.

"Bear was grown on vegan food and we’ll continue nourishing him with a healthy diet…He’ll be eating an organic plant-based diet. I intend to take great care of his precious new baby body so I’m committed to giving him nothing but the purest and most healthy food possible. We want to keep his immune system strong so that he’ll be super healthy – which is just one of the many reasons he’ll eat vegan.” - Alicia on her decision to raise Bear as vegan.

"I can understand that [pre-chewing food and feeding it to your child via mouth-to-mouth] would make some people feel uncomfortable, possibly, because it's new to them but I do want to let you know that this has been going on for thousands of years -- still going on all over the place -- and it's natural. My kid is healthy. My kid's the happiest baby ever. He didn't have teeth and he would choke. And, basically, how it started was simply that Bear - when he was about 5 months old - I'd be eating and he would come at me with his little mouth open and be on my mouth trying to get the food out of my mouth." - Alicia on her defense of feeding bear by pre-chewing his food and transfering it into his mouth.

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