Friday, December 21, 2012

Victoria Beckham Opens Up on “Viva Forever” Spice Girls Special

She has the life that millions of women can only dream of, however Victoria Beckham wasn’t always on top of her game.

In the forthcoming ITV feature “Viva Forever” on the Spice Girls, the singer/fashion designer confesses she had a hard time getting noticed before her hunky hubby David Beckham came along.

Posh shares, “There was a stage where someone wrote once how every woman wanted to be one of us and every man wanted to date one of us. Not that anyone wanted to date me. I think everyone wanted to sort of like just brush my hair. But everybody could relate to one of us. That’s why it was so successful.”

She continued, “I was called Posh because I liked the nice restaurants, and the nice clothes, and that was my character. I didn’t smile, even in those days. There was this, there was this very strong image, very, very strong image. And I am very much that person, even now. Even now. I get ready to go out sometimes and I catch myself in the mirror and I’m like, ‘Oh my God, I’ve turned into that person.’”

Meanwhile Victoria’s cohort Emma Bunton told the cameras how she reacted to Geri Haliwell’s famous walk-out back in 1998. “I found that whole process very difficult because it was more like, ‘Oh my god she's walked out on a friendship.’ That's the only way I saw it. I didn't see it as - she's walked out on a career. I just saw it as my friend has kind of gone and that was very difficult.”

“Viva Forever” is slated to air on Christmas Eve on British network ITV.


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