Sunday, June 24, 2012

Katy Perry Doesn't Want To 'Hide' From Divorce

'I couldn't avoid the elephant in the room,' she tells MTV News of including Russell Brand in 'Part of Me.'
By Kara Warner

Katy Perry

Katy Perry's feature-film debut is every bit a concert movie as it is an emotional biography of sorts. For every scene that features her pop-star persona and killer stadium performances, there are several quieter, much more emotional scenes surrounding Perry's very public split with Russell Brand that make "Katy Perry: Part of Me" a wholly moving film.

When MTV News caught up with Perry on Friday (June 22), we asked why she wanted to include footage of the moment when Perry realized her relationship with Brand was over and she couldn't do anything but sob.

"In my personal struggle, you see me not changing and not giving up on this dream that I've had my whole life. Hopefully people are inspired by that," Perry said. "You don't always see me with all the gorgeous lighting and makeup on and all that. I think it's fine. Hollywood is so fake and people need to realize that people are just people, and you, too, don't need to be born into something or have money or have whatever product someone is hawking on you. Find out what your gift is and nurture it."

Because the film is her film, there is naturally only one side of the Perry/Brand breakup shown, so we asked the "Wide Awake" singer if she felt pressure in revealing what happened to her and whether she wonders when and if another side to their story will come out in the media.

"The truth will always prevail," Perry said. "Everything has to be handled with integrity and appropriately, and it's not nice to air all your dirty laundry, because that stinks, so I had to be very delicate with the situation, but I couldn't avoid the elephant in the room," she explained. "If you were to have seen that movie and walked out and [my breakup] wasn't at all mentioned like it never happened, you'd be like, 'Eh, this is weird, what is she trying to hide?' I don't like to hide."

Check out everything we've got on "Katy Perry: Part of Me."

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